Robin L. Hunter, Principal
Robin Hunter assumed the role of Principal at C. B Greer Elementary in July 2021. In joining the community of C. B. Greer and its vision of “Growing. Learning. Changing the World”, she looks forward to striving for excellence and making a positive difference. Hunter previously served as Principal of Glynn Middle School from July 2017 - June 2021. She obtained three degrees from Valdosta State University: Education Specialist in Educational Leadership, Master of Education in Speech Language Pathology, and a Bachelor of Science in Education in Speech Language Pathology. She has nearly 25 years experience in education and has served in various roles in several school systems, including Glynn County, as Assistant Principal at the Elementary level, Instructional Technology Specialist Coordinator, Director of Special Education, Assistant Principal for Instruction at the high school level, and Speech Language Pathologist in grades P-12.
Leah Ellingsen, Assistant Principal
Leah Ellingsen was named Assistant Principal at Greer Elementary in April 2022. She has had many opportunities to teach a variety of grade levels, students, and adults in her career. Prior to serving as Assistant Principal, at Greer Mrs. Ellingsen held the positions of Assistant Principal at Glynn Middle School, Instructional Lead Teacher (Sterling Elementary School), Gifted Resource and Grade 5 Teacher (Satilla Marsh Elementary), and middle grades teacher (Gwinnett County, Georgia). She also serves as an instructor for the gifted endorsement certification for RESA. Mrs. Ellingsen is a graduate of Georgia State University (B.S. in Middle Grades Education), University of Georgia (M.Ed in Educational Leadership), and Valdosta State University (Ed.S. in Teaching and Learning), and she completed her gifted and leadership endorsements through First District RESA. Mrs. Ellingsen has a love for teaching and students. She views her role as an advocate for students and staff and states, “This job allows an opportunity to promote growth with all students, provide quality leadership, and create opportunities for all students to excel.”
Lindsey Zeigler, Assistant Principal
I am a Glynn County native and a graduate of Brunswick High School, Go Pirates! After college, I returned home to start my teaching career where my husband and I are raising our two daughters. I have over 15 years in education serving as a general education teacher, interventionist, and administrator. I bring experience as well as knowledge of best practices to the Greer staff and students. My belief is that all students can succeed, we just need to meet them where they are. Creating relationships is a top priority as students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. I look forward to continuing my journey at C. B. Greer leading and serving students, staff, and stakeholders.
Caitlin Nash, Instructional Support Specialist
I am beyond excited to be the new Instructional Support Specialist at Greer. I graduated with my Specialist degree from the University of West Georgia and obtained my master's and bachelor's degree from Kennesaw State University. I also have my teacher leadership, gifted, and reading endorsements. My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl named Riley last year. She will be turning one in a few short months! Some things that I like to do in my free time are spending time with my family and friends, watching movies, CrossFit, and cooking. I look forward to a great year of “Growing, Learning, and Changing the World!”

Growing. Learning. Changing the World.