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School Data

What is the CCRPI (College and Career Readiness Performance Index)?

CCRPI is the acronym for College and Career Readiness Performance Index, Georgia's accountability system for schools. To learn more about the history and specifics of CCRPI visit this link. CCRPI scores for each school can also be researched at this link

Historical School Data

2015-16 (Spring 2016) End of Grade (EOG) Milestones Results (second year of Milestones tests). Note: these are .zip files indicating state-wide results. Search for Glynn County. In the School Summaries file, search for Greer Elementary. These results include files for Grades 3 - 8.


2014-15 (Spring 2015) End of Grade (EOG) Milestones Results (Inaugural Administration of Milestones). Note: these are .zip files indicating state-wide results. Search for Glynn County. In the School Summaries file, search for Greer Elementary. These results include files for Grades 3 - 8.


2013-14 Testing Brief - Final administration of the CRCT. Note: these are .zip files indicating state-wide results. Search for Glynn County. In the School Summaries file, search for Greer Elementary.  These results include files for Grades 3 - 8.