School Nurse
The Clinic is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Immunizations and vaccinations are available at the Georgia Department of Public Health
Answers to many questions about medications, health information, and student illnesses can be found on the Glynn County Schools' Nursing page.
Childhood Obesity: Georgia is ranked second in youth obesity for ages 10 - 17! Georgia is one of three states committed to boosting the health and wellness of all students through a focus on the specific fitness measures most closely related to classroom performance and healthcare costs. SHAPE, the Student Health and Physical Education program, was passed in the 2009 Georgia legislative session and is now the Official Code of Georgia 20-2-777. The law requires each local school district to conduct an annual fitness assessment program for all students in grades 1 - 12 in physical education classes taught by a certified teacher. A computerized "Fitnessgram" report is generated with each student's results, and it is shared with parents in order to open a dialogue about the importance of health and fitness.
Wellness and Health Education Links
Ounces of prevention are . . . . priceless! Visit these helpful links.
Kids Health in the Classroom is a site with many lessons that Nurse Smith encourages teachers to incorporate into classroom lessons. The material is valuable for parents as well.