Tara Rocha » Classroom Information

Classroom Information

Student Supplies
1 - standard size book bag (no rolling book bags)
1-1" binder with inside pockets
Classroom Supplies
Classroom snacks (individual and sealed)
Disinfecting wipes
Facial tissues
Hand sanitizer
Our lunch time is from 11:50 am to 12:20 pm each day. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria each day.
Check the Greer website at http://glynn.greer.k12.ga.us and click on the "Breakfast and Lunch" section to view the monthly menus.
Monday:  PE (wear tennis shoes)
Tuesday:  Art
Wednesday:  PE  (wear tennis shoes please)
Thursday:  Computer Lab
Friday:  Music
Daily Class Schedule

7:30-7:50 Breakfast/Morning Work

7:50-8:00 SNN/Morning Meeting

8:00-8:50 Writing 

8:50-9:35 Specials (M-PE, T-Art, W-PE, Th-Computer Lab, F-Music)

9:35-11:10 Reading/Phonics

11:10-11:50 Math

11:50-12:20 Lunch

12:20-1:15 Math

1:15-1:45 Science/Social Studies

1:45-2:05 Brain Break

2:05-2:15 Afternoon meeting

2:15-2:20 Dismissal