Kelsey Mason » Counseling Services

Counseling Services

Classroom Counseling is a way for the school counselor to address different topics to their students that will promote knowledge, attitudes, and skills through instruction in three content areas: academic, career, and personal/social development. Classroom counseling lessons will be implemented in grades PreK-5th and will address topics such as an introduction to the counselor, anti-bullying and kindness, cultural diversity, growth mindset, career awareness, tattling vs. reporting, self-control, social skills, conflict resolution, mindfulness, etc. The topics may vary depending on the need for that grade level or class. 


Small Group Counseling will be developed on a needs basis and will include 4-6 students in each group. Groups will be created according to referrals from teachers, parents, support staff, and administrators throughout the year. Small group counseling is effective because students will identify with those who are dealing with similar situations. 


Individual Counseling refers to one-on-one time with the student and can be short or long-term. Students may refer themselves for individual counseling or be referred by teachers, parents, administrators, or can refer themselves. The counselor does not meet with students to administer disciplinary action, but does assist in conflict resolution to help your child return to class. Serious behavior situations or certain family issues may require more in-depth counseling with a Licensed Professional Counselor at an outside agency. Your school counselor can assist you with more information about resources in the community for counseling.