Kelsey Mason » Golden Rule Character Awards Program

Golden Rule Character Awards Program

What is the Golden Rule Law of Life Character Awards Program?

    The Golden Rule Law of Life Character Awards Program is sponsored by the Katz-Whittle Foundation. The program is designed to recognize those students who consistently live by the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

How does the program work?

    During the months of September, October, November, January, February, and March, a Golden Rule Character Student of the Month is recognized in each school.  All winners receive a $50 gift certificate, a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, and a certificate of accomplishment. In addition, the winner's name is engraved on a permanent plaque displayed in the hallway of their school. A special Golden Rule Committee at each school determines the monthly winners. Teachers, students, and staff are encouraged to nominate students whose behavior consistently demonstrates the values expressed by the Golden Rule Law of Life. To view our proud photos and profiles of our monthly honorees for each school year, click the link below. You may also find Greer's monthly winner's on the school website. 
    At the close of the school year, each school selects one Golden Rule winner to represent them at the county level. All winners (including the monthly winners) are invited to a celebration ceremony. Each student is recognized and receives a certificate of accomplishment and a $100 savings bond. One yearly winner from each of the three levels (elementary, middle, and high school), is also recognized as Golden Rule Law of Life Character Student of the Year and receives an additional savings bond. 


Please visit the Katz-Whittle Foundation website for more information.